Many clients today want to emphasize the TEAM in their marketing and downplay the individual or the leader. This creates a visual challenge to elevate the "group shot" from a simple line-up to a compelling scene where participants have equal status in a graphically engaging image.

Scenic and Aerial
A lot of scouting and frequent visits at the optimum time of day. Flying in a helicopter. Talking my way onto rooftops. Creating memorable scenic images to link a recognizable location to your Brand Identity.

From pure PHOTOJOURNALISM to carefully STAGED situations and everything in between. Using available light or my bag of lighting tricks or a subtle mix of the two. Creating naturalistic images of people at work or at play in their environments that read well in all formats sizes and give the viewer a sense of being there.

Galas. Fundraisers. Holiday Parties. Presentations. Launches. Grand Openings. Ribbon Cuttings. Step&Repeats. Seminars. Expos. Planned Social private or business events and conferences are my bread and butter. From the modest to the grand, small and large gatherings are where I have the most experience using my skills to capture all aspects in a flattering way responsive to my clients' specified needs, no matter how intense the timeline. I have tricks to "enhance" the look of challenging venues and can compensate for a rooms' poor lighting in my photos. I can work these events alone or with a team.

a TECH world of labs and screens
Integrating Technology use in images of the work or academic place is the primary message institutions want to put forward in their marketing. This means A LOT of screens have to show up with readable and relevant content. Reflective surfaces need to be tamed and background messiness toned down.

I pride myself on offering my clients a nice variety of images from each shoot giving their designers' maximum flexibility to use them in different aspect ratios, in print or online, with or without an integrated graphic element such as titles, texts and logos.

About 70% of my work is for Academic Institutions where student life and extracurricular activity are key images to inspire and recruit applicants